The Raptor Foundation

The Raptor Foundation is located near St Ives in Cambridgeshire and a visit is highly recommended.  The Foundation, which rescues and rehabilitates injured raptors, has a stunning collection of hawks, buzzards, eagles and countless owls.  The birds which are housed in various sized avaries are clearly well looked after by the attentive and professional staff.  As you can see below, the Foundation also holds flying displays. Unfortunately, the eagle owl decided to go AWOL after only a couple of minutes of the display so action shots of this majestic creature were sadly limited. I still wonder to myself if he ever returned?  Following this wee drama the remainder of the flying display was curtailed just in case the owl decided to return and attack the remaining raptors that were due to fly.  Nevertheless, on the day there was so much to see and the £5.50 entrance fee was more than worth it.

Eagle Owl Eagle Owl

Eagle Owl Eagle Owl Eagle Owl Eagle Owl

© [John Mallaney] and [jdmallaney In The Frame], [2013]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to [John Mallaney] and [jdmallaney In The Frame] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content

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